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SHAREHOLDERPROPOSALS RECOMMENDATIONOFTHEBOARDOFDIRECTORSONITEM8 WhyWeRecommendYouVoteAgainstThisProposal • Wearecommittedtoprotectingtheplanetandrecognizetheimportanceofreducingplasticwaste. • In contrast to consumer-packaged goods companies, Amazon’s greatest impact comes from helping other manufacturers reduce their use of plastic in packaging and reducing our own use of plastic for products repackaged for delivery. In this regard, we have taken action to reduce reliance on the use of plastics in a number of areas, including products manufactured by other companies, packaging for shipment and delivery, our Amazon and other private label devices, and our physical stores. • For example, as of June 2021, through our Frustration-Free Packaging program, we have reduced the weight of outboundpackagingbyover36%andeliminatedmorethanonemilliontonsofpackagingmaterialsince2015—the equivalent of 2 billion shipping boxes. We are working to increase the recycled content used in our packaging, which in 2021increased from 25% to 50% for our plastic film bags, and from 15% to over 40% for our plastic padded bags. These improvements are expected to eliminate more than 25,000 metric tons of new plastic each year. We expect to replace the use of mixed (paper/plastic) mailers with a recyclable paper padded mailer by the end of 2022. We have also reduced our use of material like plastic film and single-use plastic. • Weareengagedineffortstosupportthedevelopmentofrecyclinginfrastructure across our industry and other broader recycling initiatives. WeAreCommittedtoProtectingthePlanetandRecognizetheImportanceofReducingPlastic Waste Amazoniscommittedtoprotectingtheplanetandrecognizestheimportanceofreducingplastic waste by promoting reusable and recyclable packaging. As described in more detail below, including with respect to our goals, we have made progress in four primary areas in our efforts to reduce our use of plastics: (1) plastics in packaging for products manufactured byothercompaniesthatweselltoourcustomers(wherewecanmakethebiggestimpact),(2)plasticsinpackagingtothe extent we repackage a product for delivery, (3) plastics in Amazon devices and our private label products, and (4) plastics in physical stores, primarily our grocery business and its use of insulated packaging. While the proposal cites a recent report estimating our use of plastic packaging, for the second year in a row, the report’s calculations are seriously flawed, overestimating our use of plastic by more than 300% and relying on outdated assumptions regarding the sources of plastic waste entering our oceans. The latest peer-reviewed scientific research finds that the majority of plastic waste that ends up in the ocean comes primarily from takeaway food and drink containers, and fishing activities. In contrast to consumer-packaged goods companies, Amazon’s greatest impact comes from helping other manufacturers reducetheiruseofplasticinpackagingandreducingourownuseofplasticforproductsrepackagedfordelivery.Tothatend, as detailed below, we have partnered with manufacturers to reduce their use of plastics through our industry leading Frustration-free Packaging programs. We are also rapidly making progress to significantly increase the recycled plastic content used in our packaging and reduce our use of material like plastic film and single-use plastic. Products Manufactured by Other Companies Mostoftheproductswesellaremanufacturedbyothercompanies.Werecognizethatwecanhelpmanufacturersreduce their use of plastics and have partnered with them to scale sustainable packaging development across our supply chain. For example,ourindustryleadingFrustration-FreePackaging(“FFP”)programsfinanciallyincentivizemanufacturerstopackage their products in 100% recyclable packaging, including plastics. The FFP programs also allow us to ship products in their own containers, eliminating all additional packaging material for these products, including plastics. As of June 2021, we have reduced the weight of outbound packaging by over 36% and eliminated more than one million tons of packaging material 18ThroughtheFFPprogramsandrelatedpackagingdesignandtesting since2015—theequivalentof2billionshippingboxes. services, we have helped manufacturers develop more sustainable packaging, and now more than two million products are 18 See 42

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