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AMAZON BRAND GUIDELINES Primary Logo—Summary Logo Color Size The “.com” logo is not necessary The logo should appear in one of the color combinations below. The logo must be no smaller than 0.75 inches for use in North America. The two-color versions are preferred. In cases where color needs wide for print, 100 pixels for 1x resolution to be restricted, these one-color logos are acceptable alternates. screens or 200 pixels for 2x resolution screens. Choose the color option with the highest contrast. 3/4” or 100px@1x or 200px@2x Incorrect Uses To maintain brand integrity, do not alter the logo artwork, proportion or color. Below are examples of incorrect uses. R Clear Space The clear space is based on the letter “o” in the logo. Horizontal space requires the full width of the “o” on either side. Vertical DO NOT use unapproved colors. DO NOT outline the logo. DO NOT remove DO NOT use a registered space requires half the height of the “o” above and below. elements of the logo. trademark symbol At we... Here at Amazon we... DO NOT modify or recreate DO NOT use the DO NOT layer content the provide artwork. logo in a sentence. on top or below. AMAZON BRAND GUIDELINES—LAST UPDATED 02/22/2017 6

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