AI Content Chat (Beta) logo

Elements Applied Narrow Online 2.14 Vertical formats: 160 x 600 160 x 600 The logo is present at the beginning of the ad. Refer to pages 1.05 and 1.06 for more info.. Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray or white and either flush left or right, with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue or white callouts. The image is open and has space for typography, then fades to white. The button fades in after the From DFW From DFW body copy in the final scene. and Chicago, and Chicago, 5 The oneworld logo is aligned connect connect with the American logo and fades to hundreds to hundreds in with the CTA button. The of cities of cities oneworld logo animates in with claim copy if the message is worldwide. worldwide. about oneworld. Legal copy goes at the bottom of the online banner. All banners require a 1 px. AA Dark Gray key-line stroke. Service is operated by American Eagle Airlines. In this example, the plane tail rotated on blue sky for the entire ad, so it did not fade to white as indicated in item 3. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0

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