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Elements Applied Multiple Price Point 2.22 Advertising with price points uses six elements. In this example they are aligned on a rule of thirds grid. The logo is used simply at the top right of the layout. Con esta tarifa Headlines are set in AA Dark Gray especial ahora with AmericanSans Medium, AA Blue callouts. viajan todos. The image is open and has space for typography. Miami a partir de: When two price points are required, USD the primary price should follow $ standard price point layouts, while the secondary, should be smaller and locked up underneath. 749 oneworld logo is aligned New York, according to the American San Francisco USD logotype and Flight Symbol. Los Angeles $809 partir de: Legal copy is placed at the bottom Consulta por tarifas especiales para vueloz en Business Class. of a layout and justified. Reserva hoy mismo tu viaje en, a traves de Express Ticket Service llamando al (02)2679 – 00, en nuestras oficinas: Santiago(Huerfanos 1199B), Las Condes (Avda. El Bosque Norte 107)consulta a tu agencia de viajes. © American Airlines, 2015 Advertising Guidelines, v 3.0

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