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In May 2022, we issued our inaugural $1 billion ESG Bond, which we will use to finance new and existing Green and Social projects. This is our first-ever financing instrument dedicated to support our ESG strategy and will serve to advance our programs and promote ESG-related investments. Enhancing Our ESG Governance In addition to progressing on our ESG goals, we have been focused on the governance and disclosures around our ESG strategy and programs. In 2022, we incorporated ESG risks, including climate-related risks, as an emerging risk for the Company within our Enterprise Risk Management framework. To help manage our climate-related risks, in 2021, we became a formal supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and assessed physical and transition risks to our business in alignment with the TCFD recommendations. Conclusion Over the last two years we have created more opportunities to collaborate and innovate across the enterprise and we have done a significant amount of work to define our ESG priorities and objectives. We also established measurable goals and action plans to achieve them as we continue to execute across each of our three ESG pillars. All of this work has accelerated our progress and put us on a clear path to strengthen our global impact in the coming years. Our work has only just begun. As we look ahead, we will continue to build on our momentum, putting our ESG strategy into action to back our colleagues, customers, and communities and make a positive impact in people’s lives and the world we live in. STEPHEN J. SQUERI CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG 7

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