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Limited Assurance Statement of GHG Emissions WATER RESOU RCES • ENVIRONMENT AL SERVICES • HEALTH & SAFETY • COMPLIANCE & ASSURANCE Apex Companies, LLC ▪ www. VERIFICATION OPINION DECLARATION GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS To: The Stakeholders of American Express Apex Companies, LLC (Apex) was engaged to conduct an independent verification of the energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reported by Amer ican Express for the period stated below. This ve rification opinion declaration applies to the related information included within the scope of work described below. The determination of the GHG emissions is the sole responsibility of American Express . American Express is respon sible for the prep aration and f air presentati on of the GHG emissions statement in accord ance with the criteria . Apex’ s sole responsibility was to provide independent verification on the accuracy of the GHG e missions reported, and on the underlying sys tems and processes used t o coll ect, anal yze , and re view the i nfo rmation. Apex is responsible for expressing an opinion on the GHG emissions statement based on the verification. Verification activi ties applied in a limited level of assurance verification are less extensive in nature , tim ing , and ex tent than in a reasonable level of assurance verification. Boundaries of the reporting company GHG emissions covered by the verification: • Operational Control • Worldwide • Exclusions: No ne Types of GHGs : CO 2 , N 2 O, CH 4 , HF Cs Energy Type and Consumption: • Total Energy : 269,898 megawatt hours (MW h) • Total Purchased Elect ric ity: 202,170 MW h • Total Purc hased Renewable E lectr icity Certificates Applied to 2021 Purchased Electricity : 202,170 MW h Data and in formati on supporting the reported energy consumption were in som e case s estima ted rather than histori cal in nature. GHG Emissions Statement : Americ an Express Entity -Wi de GHG Emission s for 2021 Scope 1 Emissions Metric Tonnes (mt) of CO 2 equivalent (CO 2e ) 17, 944 Scope 2 Emissions – Location Based mt CO 2e 80,275 Scope 2 Em issions – Market Based mt CO 2e (purchas ed steam and chilled water emissio ns) 3,976 Total Scope 1 + Scope 2 Ma rket Based mt CO 2e 21,920 American Express Page 3 June 16 , 2022 GHG Verifica tion Methodol ogy: Evid ence gathering proce dures included but were not limited to: • Interviews with relevant personnel of American Expre ss and their consultant ; • Review of document ary evidence produced by American Express ; • Review of American Express data and information systems and methodology for collection, aggregation, analysis an d review of information used t o determine GHG emissions ; • Audit of sample s of data used by Am erican Express to determine GHG emissions. Verification Opinion: Based on the process and procedu res conducted , there is no ev idence that the GH G emissions statement shown above: • is not materi ally correct and is not a fair r epresentation o f the GHG emissions data and information; and • has not been prepared in accordance with the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol Co rporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Scope 1 and 2 ), and WRI/WBCSD Gr eenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain Ac coun ting and Report ing Standard ( Scope 3). It is our opinion that American Express has established appropriate systems for the collect ion, aggregation , and analy sis of quantita tive data for determination of the se GHG emissions f or the stated period and boundar ies. Statement of independence, im partiality , and competence Apex is an independent professional services company that speciali ze s in Hea lth, Safety, Social and Environment al management services including assurance with over 30 years history in provid ing t hese services. No member of the verification team has a business relationship with American Express , its Directors or Managers beyond that required of this assignment. We conducted this verification indep endently and to our knowledge there has been n o conflict of intere st. Apex has implemented a Code of Ethics acros s the business to maintain high ethical standards among staff in t heir day-to -day business acti vities. The ve rification team has extensive expe rience in conducting assurance over environmen tal, social, ethical and health and safety information, systems and processes, has over 20 years combined experience in this field an d an exce llent understanding of Apex’s stan dard methodology for the verificat ion of greenhouse gas emissions data. Attes tat ion: David Reilly, Lead Verifier Trevor Donaghu , Tech nical Reviewer Principal Consultant Program Manager Apex Companies, LLC Apex Companies, LLC Santa Ana, California Pleasant Hill, California June 1 6, 2022 This verification opinion declaration, including t he opinion expressed herein, is provided to American Express and is solely for the benefit of American Expr ess in accordanc e with the terms of our agreem ent. We consent to the release of this statement by you t o the CDP in order to satis fy th e terms of CDP disclosure requirem ents but without acc epting or assuming any responsibility or liability on our part to C DP or t o any other party who may hav e access t o this statement. American Express Page 2 June 16 , 2022 Scope 3 Emissions Ca tegory 5 Waste Gen erated i n Operations mt CO 2e 280 Ca te gory 6 Business Trav el mt CO 2e 570 Total Scope 1 + Scope 2 Market Based + above Scope 3 Categories mt CO 2e 22,770 Purchased GHG Emissio n Offsets mt CO 2e applied to 2021 inventory 22,770 Net Offset Emissions mt CO 2e CY 2021 (Scope 1 + Scope 2 Mar ket Based + Catego ry 5 Waste Generated in Operations, Categor y 6 Business Travel Em issions ) - Purchased GHG Emission Offsets 0 Data and information supporting the Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions statement were in some cases estimated rath er than histori cal in natu re. Data and information supporting the Scope 3 GH G e mis sions statement were in many cases estimated rath er than histori cal in natu re. Period covered by GHG emissi ons and energy verif ica tion : • January 1 , 2021 to December 31, 202 1 Criteria against which verification was c onducted: • World Resources Inst itute (WRI )/World Business Cou ncil for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Greenhouse Ga s (GHG) Protocol , Corporate Account ing and Reporting Standard, Revised Edition (Scope 1 and 2) and the GHG P rotocol Scope 2 Guidance, an amendment to the GHG Protocol Corpo rate Standard. • WRI/WBCSD Gree nhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3 ) Acc ounting and Reporting Standard. Refer enc e Standard: • ISO 14064- 3: Second edition 2019- 04: Greenhouse gases -- Part 3: Specification with Guidance for the Verification and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Statements Level of Assurance and Qual ifications : • Lim ited • This verificati on used a materialit y t hreshold of 5% for aggregate errors in sampled data for each of the above indicat ors • Qualifications: None INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG 100

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