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OUR ESG GOVERNANCE AND OPERATING RESPONSIBLY Key Policies Anti-Bribery and Corruption We have a zero-tolerance policy for bribery. All colleagues must complete anti-corruption and bribery training tied to their annual compensation that includes information on applicable laws and regulations for their location. Anti-Money Laundering Our global policy details our approach to preventing money laundering and related financial crimes. Colleagues receive regular training to review our policies and requirements, relevant laws, and their role in recognizing and reporting unusual behavior. Code of Conduct Our Code of Conduct is our manual for informing colleagues of the workplace behaviors we expect. It covers ethical business practices ranging from anti-corruption to technology use, conflicts of interest, conducting business with foreign governments, and protecting customer privacy (see pages 67-68, 82-84). Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) We are committed to equal employment opportunities for all individuals. We make hiring decisions based on job-related qualifications and ability to perform the job without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, genetic information, citizenship, marital status, or any other basis prohibited by law. Our policies prohibit harassment of colleagues and contractors by co-workers, supervisors, or outsiders and such behavior may trigger disciplinary action, including loss of employment or contract. We also enforce a Global Sexual Harassment Policy Statement. Human Rights We promote human rights and are committed to responsible workplace practices and protecting the human rights of people working throughout our supply chain. Our Human Rights Statement and Code of Conduct express our commitment to fair and equal treatment of all people. We guard against incidents of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain by conducting employment checks and by working with suppliers that meet high standards of conduct (see page 86). See also our UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement and Australia Modern Slavery Statement . Public Policy Engagement and Political Contributions We believe active engagement in the public policy arena is vital to the democratic process and an important part of responsible corporate citizenship. We are transparent about our policy engagement with governments, including through Lobbying Disclosure Act filings. We provide our perspective to officials at various government levels worldwide and collaborate with trade and industry associations. For more information, including lobbying requirements and our semiannual reporting of US political contributions, see our Political Contributions Report . Responsible Marketing Our marketing programs go through multiple layers of review across business units so that our customers may be well-informed, in a responsible manner, about our products and services (see pages 68-69). Taxation We carefully consider our taxation positions so that they are consistent with our overall tax strategy, broader corporate governance requirements, applicable laws, and corporate values. We engage with tax authorities globally with openness and integrity to support compliance with our tax obligations. We are a current taxpayer both within and outside of the United States. For more information on taxation, see our 2021 Annual Report . Whistleblower Claims Policy Our Whistleblower Claims Policy allows colleagues, contractors, customers, merchants, and others to report allegations in good faith without fear of retaliation or risk to their employment. Claims are investigated and recommendations are made by the Colleague Experience Group, Internal Audit Group, and Global Security, in consultation with our General Counsel’s Organization, as appropriate. INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG 101

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