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The Compensation and Benefits Committee of the Board also oversees performance goals and certifies performance outcomes on key talent metrics. The Risk Committee of the Board provides oversight of our ERM framework, along with the policies and procedures established by management to identify, assess, measure, and manage key risks facing the company, including ESG risks, and approves our ERM policy, which governs risk governance, risk oversight, and risk appetite. ESG risks—in particular climate risk—are included in our ERM framework and climate-related risks are currently managed as part of our ERM process. ESG GOVERNANCE Our Executive Committee reviews and evaluates ESG performance and long-term goals with support from our ESG Steering Committee. Led by senior executives from across the company, the ESG Steering Committee developed the objectives and goals for our ESG strategy, drawing on the expertise of our four cross-functional ESG working groups: • Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion • Advance Climate Solutions • Build Financial Confidence • ESG Disclosures Day to day, our Corporate Sustainability team works with colleagues throughout the company to shape our ESG programs and investments and monitor progress on key issues. ESG GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK STAKEHOLDERS INCLUDING SHAREHOLDERS, COLLEAGUES, CUSTOMERS, AND COMMUNITIES ESG PILLARS BOARD OVERSIGHT SENIOR LEADERSHIP NOMINATING, GOVERNANCE, AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY COMMITTEE Oversight of ESG matters RISK COMMITTEE Oversight of enterprise risk management framework EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Reviews and evaluates ESG performance and long-term goals ESG WORKING GROUPS Comprised of leaders from across the organization responsible for the development and implementation of our ESG goals ESG STEERING COMMITTEE Led by senior executives from across the company that guide our ESG strategy and related policies and programs PROMOTE DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION Support a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce, marketplace, and society ADVANCE CLIMATE SOLUTIONS Enhance our operations and capabilities to meet customer and community needs in the transition to a low-carbon future BUILD FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE Provide responsible, secure, and transparent products and services to help people and businesses build financial resilience COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS COMMITTEE Oversight of DE&I strategies and key talent metrics MISSION: BACK PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES TO THRIVE AND CREATE EQUITABLE, RESILIENT, AND SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES GLOBALLY Our Board’s Nominating, Governance, and Public Responsibility Committee reviews our ESG Strategy and Corporate Sustainability program, monitors progress against our goals, and provides guidance on our efforts. INTRODUCTION PROMOTING DE&I ADVANCING CLIMATE SOLUTIONS BUILDING FINANCIAL CONFIDENCE OUR ESG GOVERNANCE & OPERATING RESPONSIBLY SUPPORTING DATA OUR COMMITMENT TO ESG 79 79

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