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21 RGB: 49, 112, 255 Hex: #3170ff RGB: 246, 248, 254/216, 227, 251 Hex: #f6f8fe, #d8e3fc This color is used on screen when blue text appears on a black background. It reads as Arnold Blue, but is more legible on black. We use lighter washes of Arnold Blue for subtle background colors and stroke colors. ALT BLUE BLUE WASHES We use a few additional shades of “Arnold Blue” in digital applications. These secondary colors can be used on screens to help create balanced interfaces. Secondary Palette RGB: 92, 123, 169 Hex: #5c7ba9 We use a desaturated version of Arnold Blue for text that we want to appear lighter than the predominant body text. For example, we would use this color for image captions. SLATE

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