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FY22 IMPACT REPORT OVERVIEW ENERGY & MATERIALS HEALTH & RESILIENCE WORK & PROSPERITY GOVERNANCE APPENDIX 51 * Leadership data, FY22 Expand leadership diversity Foster a culture of belonging We are expanding leadership diversity from the Board of Directors We are committed to building a culture of belonging at Autodesk by Overall leadership, by gender to senior leadership and to all areas of Autodesk. As a global listening deeply, providing education, implementing programs, and company, it is critical that our leadership reflects the perspectives most importantly, fostering collective accountability. Belonging is of our customers around the world. Therefore, we have prioritized central to the Values and Ways We Work, as articulated in our Culture growing our leadership capabilities globally, resulting in a 2.6% Code, and in 2021 we launched a company-wide Culture Sprint increase in the number of leaders outside of the United States. on Belonging. Women make up 50% of our 10-member Board of Directors, which Dialogue spaces is composed of 10% Black membership and 90% white membership. Dialogue Spaces are open to all employees to speak courageously Our commitment to attracting and recruiting diverse talent extends and listen with curiosity, offering a safe environment for people to 67.0% Male to our senior leadership team. In February 2021, we announced share their stories and build a deeper understanding of one another. 33.0% Female the appointment of a new chief financial officer, chief technology Autodesk has partnered with Bravely, a confidential coaching service officer, and senior vice president, all of whom expand the diversity that supports individuals and workplace health, to foster discussions of our senior leadership. Forty-five percent of our executive team about aspects of identity that impact our employees in the workplace. is women. Bravely spaces introduce and reinforce critical concepts of allyship and We are committed to the growth and development of all our working together more inclusively and equitably through storytelling, employees. Some programs target specific demographics as educational content, and active group sharing. The events ignite part of our diversity and belonging strategic goals. For example, self-discovery and connection that can be further explored through Autodesk was a proud participant in the McKinsey Black individualized coaching and conversations between colleagues. US leadership, by race/ethnicity Leadership Academy in 2021, which creates opportunities for Speaker series rising Black leaders to network and build relationships with leaders from other organizations. Our Diversity & Belonging Speaker Series brings outside experts In early 2022, we launched NEXT LEVEL, a program designed to engage the entire Autodesk community in conversations about to create a pipeline of underrepresented people of color who are identity and diversity. Dialogue Spaces facilitated by Autodesk ready to move into leadership roles. To better understand and employees followed some events to offer colleagues across the 73.8% White mitigate individual reasons for attrition, during 2022 we also company the opportunity to discuss the expert’s books and podcasts started conducting Career Advancement Retention Effort in small groups. Speakers in 2021 included: 18.8% Asian (CARE) interviews. ● Shankar Vedantam has been reporting on human behavior and 3.8% Hispanic or Latino We offer several professional and leadership development social science research for more than 25 years and is the host and 2.0% Two or More Races opportunities for all employees, including our Emerging creator of Hidden Brain. The Hidden Brain podcast receives more Leaders Program and Employee Leadership Program/Autodesk than three million downloads per week, and the Hidden Brain 1.4% Black or African American Leadership Program. radio show is featured on more than 350 public radio stations 0.2% Native American or Alaska Native All employees can also participate in the Autodesk Mentorship around the United States. Program, as a mentor, mentee, or both. The program breaks down ● Herminia Ibarra, professor of organizational behavior at London the barriers of meeting and learning from colleagues around Business School and author of Act Like a Leader, Think Like a the world and offers resources and guidance to nearly 3,000 Leader. Professor Ibarra shared how leadership is a mindset that active members (as of January 2022). can be practiced at all levels of an organization. * Data are as of the end of fiscal year 2022. ● Dolly Chugh, professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business and author Learn more about learning and organization development at Autodesk. of The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias. Drawing See detailed performance metrics in the Data summary. on her decades of research onunconscious bias, Dr. Chugh offered practical tools to become a better leader, colleague, and friend.

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