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METRICS & GOALS Among the 75% of respondents who measured content performance, 36% indicated they’re doing an excellent or very good job. How B2B Marketers Characterize Their Teams’ Excellent — We have measurement data Ability to Demonstrate Content Marketing ROI showing ROI on overall content marketing 1% approach. 2% 8% 10% Very good — We have measurement ■ Excellent data showing ROI on at least one content ■ Very good marketing initiative with well-informed 28% ■Average insights in other areas. 51% ■ Below average ■ Poor Average — We have well-informed insights, ■ Unsure but lack measurement data showing ROI. Below average — We have only speculative Base: Content marketers who measure content performance. Aided list. insights at this point. 12th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs, July 2021 Poor — We have little insight into what works and what doesn’t. 36

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