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METRICS & GOALS 75% of respondents said their organization measures content performance. Among those, 69% said website engagement provided the most insight into performance. Does Your B2B Organization Metrics That Have Provided Most Insight Into Use Metrics to Measure B2B Content Performance in Last 12 Months Content Performance? Website engagement 69% 9% Conversions 67% 16% Website traffic 65% ■ Yes 75% ■ No Email engagement 64% ■ Unsure Social media analytics 51% Quality of leads 44% Search rankings 39% Base: Content marketers. Email subscriber numbers 32% 12th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Quantity of leads 30% Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs, July 2021 Cost to acquire a lead, subscriber, and/or customer 26% Other 2% 0 20 40 60 80 Base: Content marketers who measure content performance. Aided list; multiple responses permitted. 12th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs, July 2021 35

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