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ThThThThe me me me maaaajjjjoooorrrriiiitttty oy oy oy of rf rf rf resesesesppppoooonnnndendendendents ts ts ts (57%) r(57%) r(57%) r(57%) repepepepoooorrrrtttteeeed td td td thhhhe size oe size oe size oe size of tf tf tf thhhheir eir eir eir cocococonnnnttttenenenent mt mt mt maaaarrrrkkkketetetetininining tg tg tg teeeeaaaam wam wam wam was s s s tttthhhhe se se se saaaammmme ae ae ae as 12 ms 12 ms 12 ms 12 moooonnnntttthhhhs as as as aggggo ao ao ao annnnd d d d 31% s31% s31% s31% saaaaid iid iid iid it ht ht ht had inad inad inad incrcrcrcreeeeaaaasssseeeedddd.... TEAM STRUCTURE & OUTSOURCING Most organizations have small (or one-person) marketing/content marketing teams serving the entire organization (58%). Large organizations are most likely to have both centralized groups and individual teams working throughout the organization (37%). B2B Organizations’ Content Marketing Team Structure All Respondents Small Medium Large (1-99 Employees) (100-999 Employees) (1,000+ Employees) We have a centralized content marketing group that works with 21% 0% 29% 27% multiple brands/products/departments throughout the organization. Each brand/product/department has its own content marketing team. 6% 1% 6% 15% Both of the above — We have a centralized group and individual 16% 6% 14% 37% teams throughout the organization. We have a small (or one-person) marketing/content marketing team 58% 78% 52% 20% serving the entire organization. Base: Content marketers. 12th Annual Content Marketing Survey: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs, July 2021 15

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