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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Basic Branding Guidelines 37 6. Banner advertising. Advertising other businesses under the BHHS Logomark or Quality Seal, as described in the Franchise Agreement, is not permitted on your website. If you choose to include banner advertisements on your website, they should be “generic” in nature and may not include the logos or brand identifiers for the other business. For example, your site may contain a banner ad for a bookstore that reads, “Looking for the latest best-seller?” rather than “Barnes & Noble has what you’re looking for.” 7. Advertising other businesses on your website. y our Franchise Agreement states that advertising any business that is not completely within the scope of the franchised business under the BHHS Logomark or Quality Seal is prohibited. y ou may, however, set up a link to a separate page displaying information about the other companies on the conditions that: a. Any references to your franchised business on this separate page is made by your company’s legal name as opposed to the DBA; b. t he BHHS Quality Seal or Logomark does not appear in that page; c. Any phone numbers on the new page are not answered with the company’ s DBA; d. y ou have disclosed your ownership in any real estate related business to the legal department. 8. On a technical note, all links should have working destinations, and all images should load properly. 9. References to Berkshire Hathaway. Affiliates are prohibited from quoting company statistics or making statements regarding Berkshire Hathaway Inc. or HomeServices of America.

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