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Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Basic Branding Guidelines 36 I N t E r NE t – C OMMON Err O r S t he following are common errors we see repeatedly on affiliate and sales professional websites. Please note that these errors are often found in printed advertisements as well, so you may want to review your overall marketing and advertising components. 1. Not using your correct company Logomark. Compliant company Logomarks must always be used. t he most common errors with company Logomarks include: • Incorrect format. • Font, size and/or color are changed. • n ot having at least X -Height (Height of the B) of clear space around the BHHS Logomark or Quality Seal. • U sed as wallpaper, which is not permitted. Compliant logos can be found on the BHHS r Esource Center under Marketing. y our company Logomark must appear at least on the home page of your website. 2. Graphic Format: • The Red/Green/Blue (“R GB”) value for BHHS Cabernet P antone 7659 is r :85, G:36, B:72. • The Red/Green/Blue (“R GB”) value for BHHS Cream 9143 is R:234, G:277, B:212. 3. Using “Berkshire” or “HomeServices” in a generic reference. r eferences such as “Berkshire offices,” “Berkshire sales professional” or “ Why Choose HomeServices” becomes unclear as to whether you mean your company or one of the corporate entities. For that reason, use of the word Berkshire or HomeServices alone in prohibited. Be specific (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices ABC r ealty sales professional....”). 4. Not including the company disclaimer. Often, the required disclaimer is not included in the site, or only part of the disclaimer is included. t he entire disclaimer, including the copyright notice, must be included, at minimum on the home page. The required disclaimers can be found in the Identity Standards Manual/Marketing and Advertising section (as well as BHHS r Esource Center). 5. Use of the Logomark or Quality Seal. Neither the Logomark nor the Quality Seal can be animated or used as wallpaper. t hey may not be incorporated into another logo or graphic.

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