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P age 2 Data and information supp or tin g the Scope 1 an d Scope 2 GHG emissions assertion w ere in most cases historical in nature , but in some cases estimated . Data and information supporting the Scope 3 GHG emissions assertion were in some cases estimated , rather than historical in nature . Per iod covered by G HG emissions verif icatio n : • Calendar Year 20 2 1 : January 1 , 2 0 2 1 to December 31, 20 2 1 Criter ia against which verification c onducted: • World Resources Institute (WRI)/World Busin es s C ouncil for Sustainable Develop ment (WBCSD) Greenhouse G as Pr otocol , Corporat e Accounting and Reporting Standard , Revised Edition (Scope 1 and 2) and the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, an amendment to the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard • WR I/WBCS D Corporate Value Cha in (Sc ope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard R efe rence Standard : • ISO 14064 - 3 Second Editi on 2019 - 04 : Greenhouse gases -- Part 3: S pe ci f ication wi t h gu i dance for the ve rification a nd valid a tion of greenhouse g as state ment s Le vel of Assurance and Qual ificat ions : • Limited • This verifica tion used a mate ri ali ty threshold of +/ - 5% for aggregate errors in sampled data for each of the abo ve indic at or s . • Q ualificat ions: None GHG Verification M e thodology: Evidence - ga thering procedures included , but were not limited to: • Interviews with r elevan t personnel of BN Y M ellon ; • Review of documentary evid ence prod uc ed by BNY Mellon ; • Revie w o f BNY Mellon data and information sy s t em s and methodology fo r collectio n, aggregation, analysis and review of inform ation used to determ ine GHG em ission s ; • Review of data and meth od olo gy for tracking purchases, certification an d retirement of RECs, GOs, and GHG Offsets; and, • A u dit of sample of d ata used by BNY Mellon to determine GHG emissions. Verification Opinion: Based on the verification process and procedu r es conducted to a li mi t ed assurance level of the GHG emissions state me nt shown above, Apex found no evi dence that the GHG emissions statement : • is n ot mate rially correc t and is not a fair r e presentation of the GHG em ission s d a ta and information; and • has no t been prepared in a c co r d ance with the WRI/WBCSD G HG Protocol Corporat e Acco un ti n g and Reporting Standar d ( Scop e 1 and 2 ), and W RI/WBCSD Green house Gas Protocol Corpora te Value Chain Accoun ting and Reporting Standar d (Sco pe 3) .

BNY Mellon ESG Report - Page 123 BNY Mellon ESG Report Page 122 Page 124