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VERIFICATION OPINION D ECLARATION GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS To: Stakeholders of BNY Mellon APEX Companies LLC, (Apex ) was engaged to conduct an independent verification of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reported by BNY Mellon for the per iod s tated b e l ow. Th is Verifi c at i o n Opinio n Declaration applies t o the related information included within the scope of work described below. The determination of the GHG emissions is the sole responsibility of BNY Mellon . BNY Mellon is respon sible for the prep aration and f air pr e se n t at i o n of t he GHG emissio ns statement in accord ance with the criteria . Apex’ s sole responsibility was to provide independent verification opi ni on on the accuracy of the GHG e missions reported, and on the underlying systems and processes use d to coll ect, an a ly ze and rev iew the i n fo r m at ion. Apex is responsible for expressing an opinion on the GHG emissions statement based on the verification. Verification activi ties applied in a limited level of assurance verification are less extensive in natu re, tim in g and e xt ent than i n a re as on able leve l o f as surance verification. Boundaries of the reporting company GHG emissions covered by the verification: • Operational Control • Worldwide for Scope 1 and 2 Emissions • USA and UK only for Scope 3 Emissions T y p es of GHGs : CO 2 , N 2 O, CH 4 , HFCs GHG Emiss ions St at e men t : Electricity Consumption Megawatt Hours (MWH) for 20 2 1 Electricity Consumption MWH 242,956 Purchased Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) , Guarantees of Origin (GOs) and other renewable electricity instruments i n MWH applied to Scope 2 Emissions from Purchased Electricity 250,781 BNY Mellon Entity - Wide GHG Emissions for 20 2 1 Scope 1 E missions - Metric Tonnes (mt) of CO 2 equivalent (CO 2 e ) 6,214 Scope 2 Emissions – Location Based mt CO 2 e 89,671 S c ope 2 Emissions – Market Based mt CO 2 e (purchased steam emissions and electricity emissions not covered by renewable electricity instrumen ts ) 1,974 Scope 3 Emissions – Category 6 Business Travel mt CO 2 e 1,219 Total S cope 1 + Scope 2 Market Based + Scop e 3 Business Trave l mt CO 2 e 9,407 GHG Emission Offsets and Net Emissions for 20 2 1 Purchased GHG Emission Offsets mt CO 2 e 10,000 Net Emissions CO 2 e (Scope 1 + Scope 2 Market Based + Scope 3) - Purchased GHG Emission O ffsets 0

BNY Mellon ESG Report - Page 122 BNY Mellon ESG Report Page 121 Page 123