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24 What it means We’re direct and straightforward in our communication. We get to the point 
 efficiently, avoiding super fluousness 
 or overly lengthy explanation. Each word in a sentence should have a 
 job to do—if it ’s not working hard, cut it 
 loose. That said, we must always avoid 
 being terse or shor t. We are efficient, 
 but never cold. How it affects our writing Lead with benefits. Shor t attention spans 
 require us to make our writing instantly impactful. The primary focus of our comms should be to demonstrate how Bolt solves 
 our customers’ problems. Headlines should always be grounded in a feature or benefit. Thoughtfully concise ToV Principle One Introduction Strategy Logo Color Typography Ar t Direction Illustration Iconography Expressions Components Motion Contact Tone of Voice

Bolt Brand Book - Page 24 Bolt Brand Book Page 23 Page 25