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No cart left behind Bolt shoppers conver t at a 47% higher rate t han t hose using guest checkout. Make every shopper a regular Bolt shoppers have a 63% higher rate of 
 repeat purchase compared to guest checkout. Say goodbye to guest checkout Bolt ’s simplified, password-less login experience means merchants see a 2x average increase in t he number of store accounts created, automatically conver ting more guest shoppers into logged-in customers who are more likely to come back. Never pay for fraudulent chargebacks again Bolt ’s 100% chargeback guarantee
 protects your business from shopper fraud. Tens of million of shoppers at your fingertips Tap into our rapidly growing network 
 of one-click ready shoppers from day one. Flexible integrations no matter your tech stack Bolt is purposely tech-and-platform-agnostic wit h hundreds of integrations t hat can easily optimize your existing infrastructure. You maintain control, wit hout being locked
 into an ecosystem. 18 B2B / Merchant V alue P rops I ntroductio n Tone of V oic e L og o C olo r Typograph y A r t D irectio n I llustratio n I conograph y E xpression s C omponent s M otio n C ontact S trateg y

Bolt Brand Book - Page 18 Bolt Brand Book Page 17 Page 19