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Chapter 4 User InterfaCe DesIgn 4. Visual design: Selection of color coding and arrangement of Visual aids. After building layout and classifying content, you need to consider the themes, color coding, color palettes, and mood boards, which are an arrangement of images, materials, and pieces of text that enhance the UX design. Development Life Cycle The development life cycle is as follows: 1. Designing: Prototype: As shown in Figure 4-7, While designing the User Interface(UI), UI Prototyping and UI Wireframe are essential step towards the success of User Interface Development. While prototyping the UI, you should take care of structuring and layout of the content. Best strategy and processes should be considered (e.g., interactive screen mock-ups as per the mobile-first approach strategy that focuses on the interface and content priority as per mobile screen and then desktop) so that the content should be presented in a meaningful sequence. UI Wireframe Designing Or Prototyping UI Screens UI User Interface Implementing Development Scripting Unit Testing Test Release Build Figure 4-7. User Interface Development life cycle 129

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