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178 storyteLLIng desIgn 178 Talk & Image Video Clip Role Play Text & Image Comic Strip description Tell the story of a protago- nist and his environment using one or several images Tell the story of a protago- nist and his environment using video to blur lines between reality and fi ction Have people play the roles of a story’s protagonists to make the scenario real and tangible Tell the story of a protago- nist and his environment using text and one or several images Use a series of cartoon images to tell the story of a protagonist in a tan- gible way when? Group or conference presentation Broadcast to large audi- ences or in-house use for decisions with important fi nancial implications Workshops where par- ticipants present newly developed business model ideas to each other Reports or broadcasts to large audiences Reports or broadcasts to large audiences time & cost Low Medium to high Low Low Low to medium Techniques Telling an engaging story can be done in different ways. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages and is better suited for certain situations and audiences. Choose a suitable technique after you understand who your audience will be and the context in which you will present. bmgen_final.indd 178 6/15/10 5:43 PM

Business Model Generation Flipbook - Page 184 Business Model Generation Flipbook Page 183 Page 185