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257 mentation of the new model is even planned. Deep, cross-functional participation allows you to directly address any concerns regarding the new business model before drawing the roadmap for its implementation. } Project sponsorship A second success element is the sustained and visible support of your project sponsor, something that signals the importance and legitimacy of the business model design effort. Both elements are crucial to keeping vested interests from undermining the successful implementation of a new business model. } Old versus new business model A third element is creating the right organizational structure for your new business model (see Managing Multiple Business Models, p. 232). Should it be a standalone entity or a business unit within the parent organization? Will it draw on resources shared with an existing business model? Will it inherit the parent’s organizational culture? } Communication campaign Finally, conduct a highly visible, multi-channel internal commu- nication campaign announcing the new business model. This will help you counter “fear of the new” in your organization. As outlined earlier, stories and visualizations are powerful, engaging tools that help people understand the logic of and rationale for the new business model. For example, when Skype started becoming successful and was signing up tens of thousands of new users each day, it had to immediately develop mechanisms to cost-effectively handle user feedback and complaints. Otherwise, skyrocketing expenses and user dissatisfaction would have brought the company to its knees. Working from the Established Company Perspective } Proactively managing “roadblocks” The single element that most increases the likelihood of a new business model’s success is in place long before actual implementation. By this we are referring to the participation of people from throughout the organization during the Mobilization, Understanding, and Design phases. Such a participatory approach will have already established buy-in and uncovered obstacles before the imple- bmgen_final.indd 257 6/15/10 6:00 PM

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