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Core Brand elements cons ƒictogra / ƒhotorealistic / Ževice cons Cisco’s icons are eant to be read at PICToGraPHIC a glance. Two stles ictograhic and hotorealistic are sulied so ou have the fleibilit to delo the deending on the environent in which the will aear and the budget available. Ticall ictogra icons will be used on e—uient hardware dislas and instruction anuals but can be etended PHoToreaLISTIC to brand eressions. The hotorealistic icons are designed to huani›e our technolog. ’se the to add warth color and friendliness. CISCO ICON LIBRARY The icons shown on the right are a artial reresentation of Cisco’s ictograhic and hotorealistic icon libraries. ­earch through the colete Cisco icon libraries for a full range of iconic sbols and deVICe IConS eressions. ‡ˆ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Cisco Brand Book - Page 35 Cisco Brand Book Page 34 Page 36