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Core Brand elements cons con …leents ­cale Compatible Extensions Program Clear ­ace Color ’sage a LarGe-SIZe ICon SmaLL-SIZe IConS PICToGram In GraY Compatible Extensions Program Cisco Spectrum Intelligence Solution Brochure Be Sure To ProVIde enouGH CLear SPaCe around IConS PICToGram In CoLor / GradIenTS oPTICaLLY Same HeIGHT oPTICaLLY Same SIZe ­cale can change the ersonalit of an icon. Bold confident and witt To reserve the integrit and visual iact of an icon alwas aintain ’sed wisel color and gradients can bring diension and energ to large icons can tell a sile and direct stor. Œroued in collections or a roer aount of clear sace around it. The clear sace around an ictogras. To create balance and reinforce Cisco’s core alette be aired with te or logo sall icons can tell an different stories. icon is an integral art of its design and ensures the icon can be seen sure to air colored icons with a gra coonent—for eale a tet Ÿowever ou use icons alwas kee a good balance of si›e ratio —uickl and understood easil. label with the Cisco logo. alignent and sacing. ‡‘ The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

Cisco Brand Book - Page 36 Cisco Brand Book Page 35 Page 37