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Core Brand elements Tograh Cisco ­ans •ont •ail CISCo SanS reGuLar and CISCo SanS oBLIQue CISCo SanS FonT FamILY FIGureS Because Cisco is a global coan we CYrILLIC need to ensure our tograhic language АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЄЮЯ is counicated universall. ith that in ЃҐҒЁҖҘӢЌҚҜҠЉҢЊѲҪЂЋѢЎӮҮҰҸӋҺӘЏЅІЇЈѴ ‘’’’’’’’“”•–— ind we develoed the Cisco ­ans font абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстухцчшщъыьэєюяѓґғёҗҙ for crossšcultural and crossšlatfor ӣќқҝҡљңњѳҫђћѣўӯүұҹӌһәџѕіїјѵ ˜™š use. e rovided full Crillic and Œreek АБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЄЮЯ character sets in ‰enTe and TrueTe ЃҐҒЁҖҘӢЌҚҜҠЉҢЊѲҪЂЋѢЎӮҮҰҸӋҺӘЏЅІЇЈѴÕ forats so ou can counicate on ¥acs абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстухцчшщъыьэєюяѓґғёҗҙ ›œžŠ„† and ƒCs across Ale ‰­ and ¥icrosoft ӣќқҝҡљңњѳҫђћѣўӯүұҹӌһәџѕіїјѵ indows oerating sstes. GreeK ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊ ΐ Ϊ ΌΎΫΏ 012 CYRILLIC– GREEK– AND GLYPHS αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωςάέή ί ΐ ϊ όύώϋΰ The Cisco ­ans font fail includes Crillic Œreek and glh characters in all of the weights including obli—ue. These characters are shown here ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΆΈΉΊÕΐÕΪÕΌΎΫΏÕ set in Cisco ­ans ¬egular and Cisco ­ans ‰bil—ue. αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωςάέήÕίÕΐÕϊÕόύώϋΰ ‡€ˆ6 OPENTYPE AND TRUETYPE FORMATS BaSIC GLYPHS Cisco ­ans is available in both ‰enTe and TrueTe forats. $ ¢ £ €¥ % ‰ & § @ € ? ! , ; . : “” ‘’ “« ‹     ‰tii›ed for crossšlatfor functionalit ‰enTe forats are referred whenever ossible. / ­ €‚ ¤ ¦ § © ª ™ ¬ ® ¯ ° ± ¹ ² ³ ⁴ º ¼ ½ ¾⅓⅔ ÷ 78901 † ‡ № ™ ℮ √ ∞ ∫ ≈ ≠ ≤ ≥ ¨=© ◊ ∂ Δ Π Σ μ • …¶ º ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ⋆ —˜4™š $Õ¢Õ£Õ€¥Õ%Õ‰Õ&Õ§Õ@Õ€Õ?Õ!Õ,Õ;Õ.Õ:Õ“”Õ‘’Õ“«Õ‹Õ(Õ{Õ[Õ#Õ*Õ /Õ^Õ_~Õ¤Õ¦Õ§Õ©ÕªÕ™Õ¬Õ®Õ¯Õ°Õ±Õ¹Õ²Õ³Õ⁴ÕºÕ¼Õ½Õ¾⅓⅔Õ÷Õ †Õ‡Õ№Õ™Õ℮Õ√Õ∞Õ∫Õ≈Õ≠Õ≤Õ≥Õ™š›Õ◊Õ∂ÕΔÕΠÕΣÕμÕ• ‘’“ …¶ÕºÕ←Õ↑Õ→Õ↓Õ↔Õ↕Õ↖Õ↗Õ↘Õ↙Õ⋆ ‡1 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

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