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Core Brand elements Tograh Žesign ƒrinciles ‹eading / Tracking Ÿierarch Color ’sage 9 PT. / LeadInG: 12.6 PT. / TraCKInG: 0 a. dIFFerenT PoInT SIZeS / Same WeIGHTS a. SuBHead and BodY CoPY In GraY ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed Cisco ­all ‹ore su 9 / 12.6 dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna GraY 140% ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et 1» PT. Business ­olutions. ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea eXTra LIGHT Technolog ou can trust. dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. 9 PT. 10 PT. / LeadInG: 13 PT. / TraCKInG: 0 eXTra LIGHT ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea 10 / 13 takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. B. SuBHead In CoLor / BodY CoPY In GraY sed dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et 130% dolore agna ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero CoLor ‹ore su eos et accusa et ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet B. Same PoInT SIZeS / dIFFerenT WeIGHTS GraY ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed clita kasd gubergren no sea takiata sanctus est ‹ore dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna isu dolor sit aet. 9 PT. I††‡‘Œ€‡† ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et BoLd ‹ore isu dolor sit aet consetetur sadiscing elitr sed ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea dia nonu eirod teor invidunt ut labore et dolore agna takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. 9 PT. ali—ua erat sed dia volutua. At vero eos et accusa et 20 PT. / LeadInG: 22 PT. / TraCKInG: 0 eXTra LIGHT ¨usto duo dolores et ea rebu. ­tet clita kasd gubergren no sea Cisco ­all takiata sanctus est ‹ore isu dolor sit aet. C. CreaTIVe CoPY In CoLor 20 / 22 110% Business ­olutions. CoLor ­ohisticated. ƒlaful. Technolog ou can C. Same PoInT SIZe In one LIne / dIFFerenT WeIGHTS Clean. Želightful. trust. 18 PT. Cisco ­all Business 18 PT. reGuLar THIn ‹egibilit. Current. All leading is not e—ual. As a general rule of thub“ the saller the oint Te can lend clarit to our essage. B eloing a consistent ƒla with color. ­il infusing color into tograh effectivel si›e the larger the leading˜ the higher the oint si›e the tighter the te hierarch the readabilit of our counication becoes ore accolishes two things at once“ t clarifies both inforational hierarch leading. ‹eading should be set between 100 to 1€0£ of the oint si›e. clear and eaningful. The eales above give soe guidance on and organi›ation. And it elevates our tograhic counication The tracking for Cisco ­ans can generall be set to 0. Ad¨ust tracking te hierarch. n general aintain a balanced contrast between with ersonalit and stle. •or aroriate Cisco color alettes and kerning where needed based on alication. titles/subtitles and bod co. follow the guidelines in the color section. ‡2 The Cisco Brand / Cisco Brand dentit ­ste

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