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In addition to increasing our spend with diverse su ppliers, w e h ave a n Action for Racial Equity commitment to strengthen Citi’s policies and practices to become an anti-racist i nstitution. T his i ncludes e xpand - ing C iti’s c apital m arket a ctivities w ith minority-owned b roker-dealers t o a ssist with b usiness an d f ranchise d evelopment. In 2021, we engaged diverse broker- dealers to participate in 92% of Citi’s benchmark debt issuances, including 100% of our USD transactions. During the year, we also issued our first Citi Social Finance bond, with a notional value of $1 billion. For this transaction, we worked with a syndicate of minority- and women-owned businesses, of which Black-owned broker- dealers comprised approximately 20%. In addition, to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we worked exclusively w ith Black-owned b roker-dealers to syndicate a $2.5 billion bond issuance. To promote additional opportunities, we host an annual breakfast, during which our diverse broker-dealers can share best practices and network with Citi leaders. Women-Owned Businesses Citi is committed to procuring goods and services from women-owned businesses and identifying opportunities for these firms, with an emphasis in developing markets. In 2021, we procured $172 million in goods and services from women-owned businesses. During 2021, Citi participated in WEConnect I nternational sessions for women-owned bu sinesses g lobally, that emphasized diversity and supply chain development and sustainability. We also joined WEConnect matchmaker and supplier showcase sessions in Latin America that enabled women-owned businesses to present their capabilities and make connections with Citi’s procure - ment colleagues. Similarly, Citi Indonesia was part of capacity-building workshops held by WEConnect to strengthen market access for women-owned businesses. We worked with the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) to expand our Bridge built by Citi SM program, a lending platform that connects businesses with local banks for loans. Through this partnership, Citi collaborated with WBENC to identify more than 2,000 women-owned businesses based in locations where the Bridge built by Citi program lending oppor - tunity is available to them. Additionally, we rolled out an initiative with our major IT suppliers in India to further the participation of women in technology. This included sessions with suppliers to discuss best practices for recruitment, hiring, retention and career progression for women, as well as a “Return to Career” program focused on bringing women back into the workforce who were on sabbatical or long leave. Our efforts to support women-owned businesses align with SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls . Our work in this area helps address target 5.5 , which aims to ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life . SDG Goal 5: Gender Equality Building Capabilities of Diverse Suppliers The SCDIS team provides U.S.-based small firms and women-, veteran-, disability-, LGBTQ+- and minority-owned businesses access to business opportunities, training and mentoring. Our team identifies diverse suppliers, including small businesses that can meet our supply chain needs, then subsequently works to build their capabilities. In 2021, we established our Mentor- Protégé program, designed to strengthen our diverse suppliers’ capabilities and expand their opportunities both inside and outside Citi. Through this program, Citi connects established Tier 1 suppliers with minority-, Black-, and/or women-owned Tier 2 suppliers in a mentoring relation - ship. This provides smaller, diverse suppli - ers with an opportunity to gain valuable experience in financial services and build important skills to help them compete in the marketplace. One successful pairing within this program is that of mentor company Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a Tier 1 supplier offering IT & Operations services to Citi, and protégé firm Technology Concepts Group International (TCGi), a Black-, woman-owned supplier that provides IT services to TCS for the benefit of Citi. The unique element of this pairing is that TCS has contextualized and structured the mentorship around TCGi’s current challenges and shifted gears from COLLABORATING TO BUILD SUPPLIER DIVERSITY In addition to advancing our own supplier diversity, our SCDIS team engages with others to support broader supplier diversity efforts. Our memberships with mission-centric organizations include the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce, WEConnect International, WBENC and the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) along with several of its global part - ners, including the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council, the South African Supplier Diversity Council, Minority Supplier Development UK and Supply Nation in Australia. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 135

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