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training to capability building. As a result, TCGi is building holistic expertise including technical, functional and soft skills. We continue to host events for diverse businesses across the globe to share best practices for doing business with Citi and other large companies. Our global “Doing Business with Citi” session is open to any supplier affiliated with select diversity certification agencies. The 2021 event had nearly 700 attendees, most of whom were diverse suppliers. In addition, Citi participated in the NMSDC Emerging Entrepreneurs Program, which includes a new mentoring approach called Success Circles. Entrepreneurs are placed with a group of experts who use their collective talents and connections to help the entrepreneurs build their businesses. Citi also provided a scholarship to the Tuck School of Business Minority Business Enterprise Program as part of this initiative. During 2021, we collaborated with the New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council to host the 11th annual Sustainability Symposium, where Citi hosted and moderated a Sustainability panel. Panelists shared perspectives on supply chain sustainability, ESG metrics, human rights, net zero carbon emissions programs and the impact of COVID-19 on business growth. The panel included leaders from Citi, UN Women, Ernst & Young and Accenture. We continue to support the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) program in South Africa, maintaining a Level 3 BBBEE Scorecard for the inclusion of diverse suppliers during 2020/2021 for local operations. Supplier Engagement and Evaluation Since 2013, the SCDIS team has used a Corporate Responsibility Questionnaire (CRQ) to gauge how effectively our suppli - ers are managing critical issues, such as human rights, environmental manage - ment, health and safety, labor practices and diversity. In 2020, we began rolling out an updated version of this evaluation tool, which includes an expanded assessment in the areas of modern slavery, supplier diversity, environmental sustainability, corporate responsibility, labor rights and workplace safety. This latest version of the CRQ brings more rigor to our supplier assessment process and will continue to raise the bar for our ESG practices across Citi’s supply chain. It is also helping raise awareness about supply chain corporate 2021 Corporate Responsibility Questionnaire (CRQ) Surveys Completed 277 Mexico 1,049 North America 277 Latin America 192 Europe, Middle East, and Africa 1,133 Asia Pacific The CRQ is available in 13 languages: • Arabic • English • French • German • Hungarian • Japanese • Korean • Portuguese • Russian • Spanish • Turkish • Simplified Chinese • Traditional Chinese Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 136

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