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1.5 Better long-term returns ahead 2022 saw valuations fall across asset GREGORY VAN INWEGEN Global Head of Quantitative classes. This points to potentially higher Research and Asset Allocation, returns over the coming decade, according Citi Investment Management to our proprietary methodology. PAISAN LIMRATANAMONGKOL Head of Quantitative Research ƒ Our strategic asset allocation methodology and Asset Allocation, Citi Investment Management predicts higher returns over the decade ƒ Meanwhile, many investors are sitting on excess cash in their portfolios ƒ History suggests this is likely to prove a costly mistake over time ƒ Our Investment Philosophy calls for fully invested, globally diversified portfolios throughout economic cycles Citi Global Wealth overview | | 25 Investments

Citi Wealth Outlook 2023 - Page 25 Citi Wealth Outlook 2023 Page 24 Page 26

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