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CONTENTS LETTER FROM LETTER FROM SUSTAINABILITY 2025 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY DRIVING SOCIAL HELPING PRESERVING NOEL WALLACE ANN TRACY HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT GOVERNANCE IMPACT MILLIONS OF OUR STRATEGY HOMES ENVIRONMENT have assessed more than 80% of our spend, including raw material and packaging suppliers, Supporting Working Conditions Globally service providers, contract manufacturers, co-packing facilities and warehousing operations. We have also completed assessments of all our manufacturing facilities and conducted social We believe that every worker should have freedom of movement, no worker should be required to pay for compliance audits at all facilities located in high-risk geographies. a job and no worker should be indebted or coerced to work. Colgate has a long-standing commitment to respecting human rights and labor rights worldwide and supports the United Nations Universal Declaration We participate in AIM-PROGRESS, a global industry forum dedicated to the promotion of of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labor responsible sourcing practices and sustainable production systems. In this program, suppliers Organization (ILO) Core Labor Standards. We have confirmed our support for the UN Global Compact and share noncompetitive audit data with other manufacturing companies that often use the same principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Our policy on Human Rights and Labor suppliers, enabling us to gain information more efficiently and relieving the burden of “audit Rights describes our commitments in detail. fatigue” on suppliers. Moreover, it is Colgate’s policy not to work with any supplier or contractor known to operate with forced To further drive improvement in our supply chain, we have participated in AIM-PROGRESS labor. We do not use forced labor within our own operations, and we seek to eradicate forced labor from capacity-building sessions in Latin America and Asia that are designed to improve suppliers’ social our supply and value chains. We, as a member of the Consumer Goods Forum—Human Rights Coalition, and environmental performance. In addition, we conduct similar independent, responsible sourcing endorse the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Resolution on Forced Labor and the Priority Industry training events for our suppliers. Principles (PIP). Conflict Minerals Colgate has a Policy on Conflict Minerals and supports ending the violence and human rights violations by armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and neighboring countries, which have been funded in part by proceeds from the mining of cassiterite, columbite-tantalite (coltan), wolframite and gold, and their derivatives tin, tantalum and tungsten (3TGs). Our suppliers are expected to only provide Colgate with materials that are sourced from mines outside the DRC and neighboring countries or from smelters and refiners that have been designated as conflict-free by the Responsible Minerals Initiative. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IMPACT REPORT PAGE 81

Colgate Palmolive Sustainability & Social Impact Report - Page 82 Colgate Palmolive Sustainability & Social Impact Report Page 81 Page 83

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