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CONTENTS LETTER FROM LETTER FROM SUSTAINABILITY 2025 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY DRIVING SOCIAL HELPING PRESERVING NOEL WALLACE ANN TRACY HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT GOVERNANCE IMPACT MILLIONS OF OUR STRATEGY HOMES ENVIRONMENT Advancing DE&I at Colgate Below are some of the ways we championed DE&I at Colgate in 2021: Enabling Conversations on Diversity Creating a culture where everyone feels included and can be their authentic selves requires honest and direct communication. Employees need to be able to discuss sensitive or personal issues productively while remaining respectful of different, and sometimes opposing, perspectives. This is why we work to ensure Colgate People have the proper training to approach these exchanges with a common foundation of empathy and respect, with the ultimate goal of better understanding one another. In 2021, we made great strides in encouraging and normalizing conversations around diversity and inclusion. Our research and development organization internally developed and administered a three-session training program titled “Let’s Talk About Race” for our managers. This program is designed to help managers understand how to create an inclusive environment, and productively discuss issues involving race while remaining sensitive to people’s experiences. Training on Unconscious Bias and Allyship We strive to provide an inclusive environment that accepts people of different religions, ethnicities, abilities, sexual orientations, socioeconomic backgrounds, genders and more. Accomplishing this starts with educating ourselves so we can understand each other’s differences and the role we all play in creating a sense of belonging. In 2021, we instituted mandatory allyship and unconscious bias training for all salaried and clerical employees at Colgate, with 100% compliance, to help our employees better understand DE&I concepts and embed allyship as a daily practice. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IMPACT REPORT PAGE 33

Colgate Palmolive Sustainability & Social Impact Report - Page 34 Colgate Palmolive Sustainability & Social Impact Report Page 33 Page 35