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Promote it repeatedly through Submit it as an article to third- all your social media channels party sites (partners, trade (one post is a feather in the organizations, media sites and so Even the most wind). Don’t be afraid to promote on), reshaped to fit if necessary. compelling evergreen content weeks or even Bring hard copies to events or content months after it’s created. use it to promote or follow up on does not Share it with online and social relevant events. have its own communities that are talking All this requires ongoing attention gravitational about the topic or are likely to be and the cooperation of more than interested in it. (Respect group just the marketing team, so yes, it field. guidelines on sharing and self- can be a lot of work. But if you don’t promotion, but keep in mind that do these things, chances are your genuinely useful content is almost excellent analysis and advice will always welcome.) live a lonely, unfulfilled life, talking Ditto, for influencers (don’t forget to itself in a corner. to ask them to share). November 2014 Have your sales staff personally send tip sheets, reports and substantive blog posts to clients, prospects and partners who might be interested. Have your PR team mine it for story ideas or use it to update reporters in your field. | Content marketing manifesto | 15

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