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ConTenT needS A PuSh (oR ThRee) To Give iT A life One of the most pernicious myths about content marketing is “If we build great brand content, they will come.” r maybe it’s simply wishful posting, tweeting and talking thinking that people will about it; sharing it, online and in Oseek out and find brand person; and revisiting it periodically content on their own. Either way, (because plenty of people missed it the reality is that even the most the first time). compelling content does not have Whether you do all these things its own gravitational field. or just a few, it helps to have a Producing quality content, alas, is systematic plan that puts your just the start of a content marketing content in front of the people you program. Once you have the content, want to see it. Here are few things you need to lead people to it and you can do to get your content the push it in front of their faces (in a attention it deserves: nice way). That means emailing, | Content marketing manifesto | 14

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