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content or because they’re getting 15 much attention people are paying to percent off their next purchase? Are their content. new subscribers the people you want There are ways to gauge brand Even the most to reach? Once they’re on your list, awareness, however. How long do compelling are they opening emails and clicking, people spend with your content? content or are they unsubscribing? Better Are they asking for demos or a does not to have a smaller, devoted following conversation? (Make sure to give than a mindless, inactive horde. them obvious calls to action.) have its own Branding. Building brand value Does your content get referenced, gravitational and shaping opinions about your lead to speaking invitations or field. company are key content marketing get republished by credible third goals—especially for B2B service parties? Do influential people share firms and mission-driven companies or comment? (Popular posts that like B Corps and social enterprises. take you in an unwanted direction It’s a longer-term game, and changes can’t be counted as a success. If you in brand awareness this can be tough want only to be popular, we have two to determine. If you’re at sea here, words: kitten videos.) you’re not alone: a survey by the execution goals. This is about the content marketing platform provider effectiveness of your process—if your Contently found that most content content programs are not delivering, marketers said they couldn’t measure the problem may be in the execution. whether their content was changing Are your most knowledgeable people opinions about their brand or creating content? Does the quality increasing the likelihood that people (of both execution and ideas) reflect would buy. Many also couldn’t well on your brand? Is the content measure brand awareness or how right for your business strategy | Content marketing manifesto | 17

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