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GReAT ConTenT TeAmS Think like A PubliSheR What’s the secret to compelling content? Approach it with a publisher’s perspective, not with a marketer’s mindset. his concept is hard to glean Even if you have the resources for from the scores of “best that, you won’t get the most out of it Tcontent marketing” articles without a publisher’s mindset. out there. Those are worth reading for inspiration, but their focus on Obsess on your audience excellent output tends to obscure the The publisher’s mindset starts, as strategy that produces and promotes the Contently article instructs, with the content. This Contently article getting into the heads of the people on the traits of a great content you want to reach—not with what marketing mindset comes closer you want to say (that’s a marketer’s than most—though it may leave the mindset). What does your target impression that the surest route audience care about, hope for, fear, to mastery is to hire a top-level value? What might tempt them away magazine editor. from spending their spare moments | Content marketing manifesto | 3

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