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3. TOP EXAMPLES OF A SUCCESSFUL CONTENT MARKETING Content marketing comes in all sorts of forms and it’s not a type of marketing that’s done easy. But why do it then? Well, smart businesses know that marketing is not an expense, but rather an investment. What is a better investment than a type of marketing that brings good and, above all, measurable results? That’s right. One of the best advantages of content marketing is that almost all of its aspects can be measured. You can either measure the popularity of your content in terms of engagement. How many comments, reactions, post clicks and shares your content got but you can also see what interests your targeted audience the most, what is achieving more important results. These are some of the examples of good content marketing which really show how it’s meant to be done. 3.1. HUBSPOT - BLOG Through this ebook, we’ve already linked to Hubspot, when we talked a bit about inbound marketing (in chapter 1.2. What is content marketing?). It comes as no surprise that we chose Hubspot as a great example of content marketing for writing a blog. Just as OptinMonster says, when you talk about content marketing done right, Hubspot is always on the list. Not only did they create a free tool like growth hacking strategy, but they’ve also used content marketing by: Writing in-depth blog posts about the issues their visitors care about Adding upgrades to their blog content such as ebooks Creating videos for Facebook and using LinkedIn to send traffic to those videos But their best feat (in our opinion) is definitely the creation of one of the most known educational content hubs in the world. Their hub consists of an array of educational videos where they talk about different parts of digital marketing. Their digital classes offer their visitors the opportunity to attend digital lectures whenever they have time and for the award. They get a certificate that’s actually valuable in the digital marketing business. When you achieved that status, that the certificate you’re issuing means TOP EXAMPLES OF A SUCCESSFUL CONTENT MARKETING 25.

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