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something, then you’ve really achieved what content (and inbound) marketing is all about. They are real rock stars of digital marketing. 3.2. TED - VIDEOCONFERENCES Do you remember the part of this ebook where we explained what can be implied as ‘content’ and that part where we said that a lecture can be content only when filmed so that it could be distributed? Well, this is the exact idea TED is based on. Even their slogan: ‘Ideas worth spreading’ reflects exactly that. Be it spreading, sharing or distributing, the idea is the same. Ted is a set of global conferences where authors, experts, and other leaders hold lectures about the topics they are experts in. What is so special about TED Talks then? That’s nothing more than what any college professor is doing, you will say? Well, the main attribute of a TED Talk is that it has to be thought-provoking. We don’t recommend watching several of these in a row because you it will boggle your mind. But why is it so successful? Well, people like the feeling that they’ve come to a conclusion on their own and just like that, the sharing of that thought, of that conclusion becomes more appealing to everyone. And although TED is not exactly what you would call a marketing company, their significant growth is achieved through content marketing. If you don’t believe us, take a look at their YouTube channel yourself. Their 10 million subscribers speak for themselves. TED isn’t making SEO or market research their main priority - they’re just trying to create world-class content people will love. The whole thing is even more interesting and intriguing if we consult a piece of data that Hubspot published not so while ago. According to them, videos on social media should last no longer than 2 minutes on YouTube, but in that same article, it’s given that a video on Instagram should last no longer than 30 seconds. Bearing that in mind, it’s pretty surprising to see that average duration of TED talk video is about 15 minutes. In our opinion, that’s the evidence that a quality piece of content can indeed hold someone’s attention for longer period of time, but it’s not nearly as easy to produce such content. The lesson we can all extract from this case is that if you want to hold your audience for a longer period of time, you should offer equivalent value in return. TOP EXAMPLES OF A SUCCESSFUL CONTENT MARKETING 26.

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