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3.3. ZOMATO - POSTS ON SOCIAL MEDIA Zomato is a searching device for restaurants across India with about 90 million monthly visits to their mobile app. Nothing too special, you would say. There certainly are a lot of apps with a function like this or similar but that’s not the special thing about Zomato. On the other hand, their posts on social media are. Having their targeted audience in mind, their (bad pun coming) ‘recipe for success’ was clear. They’ve had to engage and stir up interest in their younger generations, and they’ve done it by using pop culture and trends. Making phrases and puns used by the younger generations, they exploited the connection between young people and things they spend most of their time on. TV shows. Their posters were colorful and minimalistic but also pure entertainment at the same time. The important thing about content marketing, which wasn’t mentioned yet is that you don’t need to create an elaborate philosophy around the things that don’t require for it to be elaborated. Restaurant finding app is one of those things. If you have the slightest idea what are these references referring to, you will surely be at least a bit amused. There are also two other things worthy of note taking when we talk about Zomato’s posts. They are all, or almost all made very simple, not making everything buried with glitter and similar tacky details. In addition to their posts being quite simple, they are all made in similar visual style. This one is important because of branding. These are some good advice on how to make good content for posts on social media, but if you’re still struggling with this one, you can read about it even further in our blog. TOP EXAMPLES OF A SUCCESSFUL CONTENT MARKETING 27.

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