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2. Topic or subject selection If you’re creating content such as a blog, you can write about whatever you want to. Because, well, the author has that privilege. But, does that really make any sense? Is that really so if you have goals to achieve? You have to take time and think about the potential subjects, constantly having the target audience on your mind. You also have to create a calendar and write down the topics you’re about to work on in the following period. It’s a good idea to use Google Keyword Planner for the selection of the right topics. By using that tool, Google proposes a few related topics for a term you punch in. 3. The writing of content should be planned Each time, writing is a new challenge. You can make your life easier by spending 1/3 of your time planning, thinking about topics, searching literature and sources. After you’ve done that, all you have to do is summarize everything into a whole. Writing should be simple, understandable and interesting while not forgetting to use the facts along the way. It’s important to create a remarkable content, the one that will gladly be shared on social media. The amount of words is secondary. The message you successfully transfer with those words is the most important. The writing, by itself, is not easy. That’s why it’s a good piece of advice to write the first version and allow yourself some mistakes. Go through your text a couple of times and correct the obvious mistakes. After a few readings and changes, you’ll reach the final version of your text. If you’re not sure, share it with your colleagues and friends. They might see some things you probably haven’t. CONTENT MARKETING 12.

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