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76 METRIC CATEGORY U N I T O F MEASUREMENT SASB CODE RESPONSE/ COMMENT/LINK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage covered under emissions- limiting regulations Quantitative Metric tons (t) CO 2 -e, Percentage (%) RT- CP-110a.1 CDP Climate Change—C4 , 100% of emissions are covered under emissions-limiting regulations Discussion of long-term and short- term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets Discussion and Analysis N/A RT- CP-110a.2 CDP Climate Change—C3, C4, C5 Twentyby30 brochure Air Quality Air emissions of the following pollutants: (1) NOx (excluding N2O), (2) SOx, (3) volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and (4) particulate matter (PM 10) Quantitative Metric tons (t) RT-CP-120a.1 NO x SO x VOCs PM 909 103 62 58 Energy Management (1) Total energy consumed, (2) percentage grid electricity, (3) percentage renewable, (4) total self-generated energy Quantitative Gigajoules (GJ), Percentage (%) RT-CP-130a.1 CDP Climate Change—C8.2 Water Management (1) Total water withdrawn (2) Total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress Quantitative Thousand cubic meters (m 3 ), Percentage (%) RT-CP-140a.1 CDP Water Security—W1.2 Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks Quantitative Number RT-CP-140a.2 CDP Water Security Number of incidents of non-compliance associated with water quality permits, standards and regulations Quantitative Number RT-CP-140a.3 9—all have since been resolved/ in-compliance SASB Disclosures FAST-TRACKING PROGRESS FOCUSING ON OUR CORE OUR PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES REPORT OVERVIEW REPORTING STANDARDS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY FROM OUR CEO WHO WE ARE FAST-TRACKING PROGRESS FOCUSING ON OUR CORE OUR PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES REPORT OVERVIEW REPORTING STANDARDS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY FROM OUR CEO WHO WE ARE FAST-TRACKING PROGRESS FOCUSING ON OUR CORE OUR PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES REPORT OVERVIEW REPORTING STANDARDS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY FROM OUR CEO WHO WE ARE

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