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77 METRIC CATEGORY U N I T O F MEASUREMENT SASB CODE RESPONSE/ COMMENT/LINK Waste Management Amount of hazardous waste generated, percentage recycled (The entity shall disclose the legal or regulatory framework(s) used to define hazardous waste and recycled hazardous waste, and the amounts of waste defined in accordance with each applicable framework) Quantitative Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) RT-CP-150a.1 Crown 2021 Sustainability Report, GRI 306-3, 306-4 and 306-5 Product Safety Number of recalls issued, total units recalled Quantitative Number RT-CP-250a.1 0 Discussion of process to identify and manage emerging materials and chemicals of concern Discussion and Analysis N/A RT-CP-250a.2 Never Compromise , Product Safety Product Lifecycle Management Percentage of raw materials from: (1) recycled content, (2) renewable resources and (3) renewable and recycled content Quantitative Percentage (%) by weight RT-CP-410a.1 (1) 47% (2) 6.1% (3) 4.8% Revenue from products that are reusable, recyclable and/or compostable Quantitative Reporting Currency RT-CP-410a.2 94% of revenue, or $10,739 million USD, was from products that are reusable, recyclable and/or compostable Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging throughout its lifecycle Discussion and Analysis N/A RT-CP-410a.3 Circular Economy , Optimum Circularity Supply Chain Management Total wood fiber procured, percentage from certified sources Quantitative Metric tons (t), Percentage (%) RT-CP-430a.1 156,956 metric tons procured, 66% from certified sources (FSC) Total aluminum purchased, percentage from certified sources Quantitative Metric tons (t) CO 2 -e, Percentage (%) RT-CP-430a.2 1,040,625 MT. We currently do not report on the percentage from certified sources SASB Disclosures FAST-TRACKING PROGRESS FOCUSING ON OUR CORE OUR PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES REPORT OVERVIEW REPORTING STANDARDS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY FROM OUR CEO WHO WE ARE FAST-TRACKING PROGRESS FOCUSING ON OUR CORE OUR PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES REPORT OVERVIEW REPORTING STANDARDS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY FROM OUR CEO WHO WE ARE FAST-TRACKING PROGRESS FOCUSING ON OUR CORE OUR PEOPLE & COMMUNITIES REPORT OVERVIEW REPORTING STANDARDS SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY FROM OUR CEO WHO WE ARE

Crown Holdings Sustainability Report - Page 79 Crown Holdings Sustainability Report Page 78 Page 80