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Deutsche Bank Employees and corporate social responsibility Non-Financial Report 2022 Corporate social responsibility Corporate social responsibility – Reaching more than 1.4 million people with Deutsche Bank’s CSR programs in 2022 – Launching the “How We Live” environmental impact program with 51 projects – Providing more than € 1.5 million for Ukraine relief GRI 3-3, 203-1, 413-1 Deutsche Bank’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives contribute to the bank’s stated purpose of enabling economic growth and societal progress. They are how the bank makes a positive impact for people and communities. The strategic focus of this social engagement is on education, enterprise, and community. In the reporting year, the bank also added the new How We Live environmental impact program to its global CSR strategy. The bank encourages its employees to contribute their professional expertise and life skills. It aims to maximize the impact of its CSR activities by engaging its stakeholders, forging long-term partnerships with charities, supporting advocacy initiatives, and working with other companies and organizations to promote impact monitoring. All CSR activities help build trust, deepen employee commitment and client loyalty, and enhance Deutsche Bank’s reputation as a socially minded enabler, reliable partner, and catalyst for societal change. According to an internal survey, employees see CSR as a strategic factor (86%) and think that CSR (88%) and corporate volunteering (87%) help to improve the bank’s reputation. countries. The Born to Be, Deutsche Bank’s youth engagement program, (*) consists of 128 education projects in 27 program’s purpose is to empower the next generation by raising aspirations, fostering skills, and improving access to education and employment opportunities. In cooperation with Save the Children Germany, Postbank supports a literacy project in after- school care centers at primary schools to promote educational opportunities. Employees and customers can contribute by donating. In 10 countries, Deutsche Bank’s Made for Good enterprise program (*) helps social and creative enterprises scale their offers by providing advice and support as well as better access to networks and funding. Deutsche Bank helps build strong and inclusive communities (*) wherever it does business. The bank focuses on projects that deliver basic welfare, support individuals experiencing homelessness, promote affordable housing, and improve essential infrastructure. In addition, the bank provides emergency relief in crises and supports disaster recovery. In 2022, 117 community projects in 27 countries CSR environmental impact program How We Live (*) helps protect and restore nature were supported. The newly established and, through education, aims to build a deeper understanding and motivate the next generation to not only care for the natural world, but to lead the way in building a more climate-friendly society. In 24 countries, the bank supported 51 projects focused on oceans and coastlines, rivers and wetlands, forests, farmland and urban green spaces. For more than 25 years, the Plus You volunteering and giving community (*) has enabled employees to volunteer at, and donate to, charitable causes. Corporate volunteering gives the bank’s CSR programs greater impact and enhances employees’ personal development, motivation, and commitment. Governance GRI 2-23, 3-3, FS1 The Corporate Affairs & Strategy department, which includes the Communications and CSR team, reports directly to the CEO. “The Donations, Memberships, Sponsorships Policy – Deutsche Bank Group” defines the mandatory operating framework for Deutsche Bank and external partners acting on its behalf. CSR initiatives are implemented by regional units and endowed foundations. Depending on the amount of the investment, proposals for new initiatives require the approval of local CSR teams, regional CSR councils, and/or board members. In markets with defined legal or regulatory demands on social commitment, the bank’s CSR initiatives go beyond the minimum regulatory requirements. Deutsche Bank fully endorses the Companies Act 2013 in India and the Black Economic Empowerment Act in South Africa. For over 25 years, the bank has consistently received an outstanding rating for its Community Reinvestment Act performance from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. 120

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