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Deutsche Bank Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy Non-Financial Report 2022 Climate risk Engagement in climate-related initiatives GRI 3-3, FS5 Deutsche Bank is actively involved in industry initiatives on climate and other ESG risks. Deutsche Bank is a founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, which aims at mobilizing the trillions of euros necessary to establish a global zero-emission economy and meet the Paris Agreement’s targets. The bank participates in several working groups of the alliance, whose purpose is to develop consistent international standards to drive the implementation of decarbonization strategies, for example for oil & gas and for real estate. Following on the climate commitment of the German financial sector, Deutsche Bank is also engaged in the local market within working group of the Net Zero Banking Alliance Germany. The bank is also active in projects of the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, such as the working group of the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group on “Risk assessment: the quantitative relationship between energy efficiency improvements and lower probability of default of associated loans and the increased value of the underlying assets.” In addition, Deutsche Bank has participated in a number of working groups of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, such as the working groups on sovereign exposure, capital market instruments, climate data as well as in local working groups for real estate. The bank is also represented in the Science Based Targets Initiative’s Net-Zero Expert Advisory Group, which includes financial institutions, consultants, non-governmental Organizations and academic institutions, and advises the initiative on the development of their Net-Zero framework. More recently, in recognition of the increasing focus of the industry on other environmental risks, Deutsche Bank also joined the consultative forum of the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures. The initiatives aim at developing and delivering a risk management and disclosure framework for organizations to report and act on evolving nature-related risks, with the ultimate aim of supporting a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature- positive outcomes. In Q4 2022 Deutsche Bank also joined a pilot, led by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative, on the implementation of the draft framework of the task force. 49

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