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Deutsche Bank Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy Non-Financial Report 2022 Climate risk Alignment to net zero targets Baseline Dec 31, 2021 Total loan commitment (€ Sector Scopes Covered Metric Year bn) Metric value Oil and Gas (Upstream) Scope 3 MtCO /y 2021 10.7 23.4 2 Power Generation Scope 1 kgCO2e/MWh 2021 9.7 359 Automotives (Light Duty) Scope 3 gCO /vkm 2021 7.5 190 2 Steel Scopes 1&2 kgCO e/t steel 2021 2.1 1,519 2 Dec 31, 2022 Change in 2022 Target Total loan Total loan commitment commitments Sector (€bn) Metric value (%) Metric value (%) Dec 31, 2030 Oil and Gas (Upstream) 9.3 16.6 (12.6) (28.9) 18.0 Power Generation 10.4 354 7.2 (1.6) 112 Automotives (Light Duty) 7.7 188 1.8 (1.4) 77 Steel 1.9 1,495 (7.4) (1.6) 1,004 Oil and Gas (Upstream): Scope 3 financed emissions stood at 16.6 MtCO /y as of year end 2022 which represents a 29% 2 year-on-year reduction. This significant decline is predominantly explained by three main drivers: (i) total loan commitments decreased from € 10.7 billion to € 9.3 billion due to exit of Russia clients following the war in Ukraine and selected larger reductions to key clients which led to financed emissions reducing by 5 MtCO /y; (ii) client emission factors (tCO /€m) falling 2 2 due to EVIC or total assets rising substantially from 2020 to 2021 which led to financed emissions reducing by 2.8 MtCO /y; 2 and (iii) loan exposure FX translation effects from 2020 to 2021 predominantly driven by U.S. dollar appreciating versus the euro which led to financed emissions increasing by 1.0 MtCO /y. 2 The bank expects the metric to remain volatile due to factors outside of its control such as the evolution of clients’ EVIC or total assets which are key inputs into the calculation of clients’ Scope 3 emission factors. Power Generation: The Scope 1 physical emission intensity of Deutsche Bank’s Power Generation portfolio was 354 kgCO2e/MWh as of year end 2022, 1.6% lower year-on-year. The reduction came despite loan commitments increasing year-on-year from € 9.7 billion to € 10.4 billion as client liquidity needs increased due to the European energy crisis and reflects a general improvement in the average physical emissions intensity of the portfolio. The bank’s data provider Asset Impact (formerly known as Asset Resolution) introduced significant improvements to their Power Generation methodology resulting in more accurate representation of asset level information of Deutsche Bank’s clients. In order to allow for meaningful year-on-year comparison, Deutsche Bank has decided to restate its baseline metric which led to an increase of 39 kgCO e/MWh. 2 Automotive (Light duty): The Scope 3 physical emission intensity of Deutsche Bank’s Automotive portfolio was 188 gCO2/vkm as of year end 2022, 1.4% lower year-on-year. Loan commitments increased slightly from € 7.5 billion to € 7.7 billion. Steel: The Scope 1 and 2 physical emission intensity of Deutsche Bank’s Steel portfolio was 1,495 kgCO e/ t as of year end 2 2022, falling 1.6% year-on-year. The decline in emissions intensity was less pronounced than the 7.4% drop in loan commitments due to the portfolio weighted approach followed by the PACTA methodology. The data provider Asset Impact also introduced significant improvement to their Steel methodologies and as such the bank has decided to restate its baseline estimate which led to an increase of 336 kgCO e/ t steel allowing for fairer year-on-year 2 comparison. 48

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