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Deutsche Bank Employees and corporate social responsibility Non-Financial Report 2022 Employment and employability An inclusive work environment GRI 2-25, 3-3, 405-1, 406-1 The bank has affirmed for almost two decades that having a diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment is important to its overall success. During this time, it has forged strategic partnerships with organizations worldwide, such as Charta der Vielfalt (Charter of Diversity), the U.K. Treasury’s Women in Finance Charter, CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion, the Diversity & Inclusion in Asia Network, the UN Standards of Conduct for Business for Tackling Discrimination Against LGBTI People, Open for Business, the Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality and Racial Justice in Business initiative, and the Valuable 500. These partnerships help the bank advance its agenda both internally and externally. Everyone, including historically marginalized groups, is free to bring their best selves to work, and their different backgrounds and experiences bring inclusiveness to daily interactions. To make further progress, particularly in racial and ethnic diversity the bank has outlined specific steps to advance the bank’s inclusive culture, beginning in the United States and the United Kingdom. These steps include holding conversations about race, improving diversity in leadership development and advancement, and changing hiring practices. In December 2020, the bank announced its targets to increase the number of Black colleagues at the bank’s two highest title levels in the United States by 50% over the next three years and to increase the proportion of Black talent in the bank’s graduate programs to 10% by 2025. The bank is taking targeted action to achieve these targets and monitoring progress on a regular basis. In addition to that, the bank agreed an ambition to increase Black representation in the UK by over 30% by December 31, 2025. To reach this goal the bank will be focusing on both the retention and lateral hiring rates for Black talent across all corporate titles. The bank is also seeking to increase the intake of Black graduates in the UK, with a goal of 7% starting in 2022, and 10% across Early Careers (pre graduate) programs. In 2022, the bank took part in Germany in the pilot project “Antiracist Awareness Raising – Strengthening competencies for diversity in the workplace” initiated by Charta der Vielfalt e.V.. Since 2021, the bank has published the annual summaries of its submission to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Commission, voluntarily disclosing U.S. regional diversity statistics. The racial and ethnic diversity of the bank’s US workforce has increased by approximately 1% overall. Diversity, equity and inclusion are key success factors for the bank and many of its clients. The data voluntarily published reflects the bank’s commitment to transparency. U.S. diversity statistics according to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Commission for Dec. 2022 Dec 1, 2022 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Native American Two or More in % White Asian Latinx Black Islander or Alaska Native Races EEO-1 Level Executive / Senior Level Officials and Managers 90.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 First / Mid Level Officials and Managers 68.43 19.20 7.58 3.54 0.31 0.06 0.87 Professionals 46.36 32.90 8.36 10.18 0.27 0.16 1.78 Sales Workers 46.69 15.66 21.08 14.46 0.00 0.30 1.81 Administrative Support Workers 41.18 11.03 21.32 20.96 0.74 0.37 4.41 Total 51.61 27.77 9.31 9.22 0.28 0.15 1.66 U.S. diversity statistics according to U.S. Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Commission for Dec. 2021 Dec 1, 2021 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Native American Two or More in % White Asian Latinx Black Islander or Alaska Native Races EEO-1 Level Executive / Senior Level Officials and Managers 90.48 4.76 0.00 4.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 First / Mid Level Officials and Managers 69.59 17.78 7.89 3.74 0.12 0.12 0.76 Professionals 46.23 35.19 7.97 9.15 0.18 0.14 1.14 Sales Workers 47.56 16.16 17.68 17.38 0.00 0.30 0.91 Administrative Support Workers 48.08 8.89 18.51 20.91 0.00 0.24 3.37 Total 52.35 28.27 9.03 8.90 0.15 0.15 1.16 118

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