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Deutsche Bank Appendix Non-Financial Report 2022 Principles for Responsible Banking Principle 3: Clients and Customers We will work responsibly with our clients and our customers to encourage sustainable practices and enable economic activities that create shared prosperity for current and future generations. 3.1 Client engagement Does your bank have a policy or engagement process with clients and customers10 in place to encourage sustainable practices? ☒ Yes ☐ In progress ☐ No Does your bank have a policy for sectors in which you have identified the highest (potential) negative impacts? ☒ Yes ☐ In progress ☐ No Describe how your bank has worked with and/or is planning to work with its clients and customers to encourage sustainable practices and enable sustainable economic activities11). It should include information on relevant policies, actions planned/implemented to support clients’ transition, selected indicators on client engagement and, where possible, the impacts achieved. This should be based on and in line with the impact analysis, target-setting and action plans put in place by the bank (see P2). Response Links and references “Client centricity” and “Sustainable performance” are core values articulated in Deutsche Code of Conduct – Our values Bank’s Code of Conduct (the Code). The Code enjoins all the bank’s business divisions— and beliefs Corporate Bank, Investment Bank, Private Bank, and Asset Management—to treat clients responsibly and with integrity at all times. In addition, laws and regulations like the MiFID II Non-Financial Report 2022: require the bank to put various processes and control mechanisms in place. These help Culture, integrity and conduct identify issues related to product design and advisory principles early and define action areas. Non-Financial Report 2022: Product responsibility/ The bank’s product line’s minimum standards oblige it to offer transparent products and Product suitability and services based on processes and principles designed to comply with legal and regulatory appropriateness requirements. For example, the bank’s product governance policies require it to monitor whether products have only been sold to the appropriate client group. In addition, Deutsche Non-Financial Report 2022: Bank strives to offer clients prudent and foresightful advice that meets their needs and Sustainable finance/Private makes them aware of potential opportunities and risks. The bank assesses a variety of Bank Germany parameters, including a product’s complexity as well as each client’s product knowledge, experience, regulatory classification and investment objectives. Furthermore, the Private Bank Germany introduced an ESG advisory concept in all 400 Deutsche Bank branches and seven regional advisory centers. The ESG advisory concept comprises a broad qualification program for employees and aims at increasing clients’ sustainability awareness through visible design elements. 3.2 Business opportunities Describe what strategic business opportunities in relation to the increase of positive and the reduction of negative impacts your bank has identified and/or how you have worked on these in the reporting period. Provide information on existing products and services , information on sustainable products developed in terms of value (USD or local currency) and/or as a % of your portfolio, and which SDGs or impact areas you are striving to make a positive impact on (e.g. green mortgages – climate, social bonds – financial inclusion, etc.). Response Links and references Deutsche Bank acknowledges the role it plays in facilitating the transition toward sustainable growth and a low-carbon economy. The bank aspires to support its clients in their 163

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