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Deutsche Bank Non-Financial Report 2022 Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy at a glance k n C a o Deutsche Bank supports the transition toward a B nt rp e or sustainable and climate-friendly economy m a t te s B e nv a I n k Exceeding the € 200 billion target in sustainable 昀椀nancing and investments between 2020 and year end 2022 with a cumulative total of € 215 billion Deutsche Bank aligns the carbon intensity of its sA kn s lending portfolio to Paris Agreement‘s targets aB te et aM avi an rP meg tne Founding member of the Net Zero Banking Alliance and Net Zero Asset Managers initiatives Facts and 昀椀gures 2022 € 215billion By 2025 Zero sustainable 昀椀nancing reached end 昀椀nancing of 昀椀nancing of new oil and gas by the end of 2022 thermal coal mining projects in the Arctic, as well as new oil sand projects Sustainable 昀椀nance progress since 2020 Progress in GHG emissions and energy onsumption reduction in own operations and c business travel 2022 2,601,837 2020 2,397,381 Assets under Management 2,078,060 € 46 € 1 bn bn € 58 bn Financing 132,927 2021 € 30 bn 72,897 74,300 € 112 Issuance bn € 27 bn 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Total GHG emissions Total energy consumption (in t of CO2e) (in GJ) 12

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