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Deutsche Bank Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy Non-Financial Report 2022 Sustainability strategy and implementation Sustainability strategy and implementation – Sustainability embedded in corporate strategy – Adapted governance to ensure effective implementation of sustainability strategy – Establishment of Chief Sustainability Office Economies and societies worldwide are striving to become sustainable and socially inclusive. A vital aspect of this is tackling climate change which is one of humanity’s biggest challenges. Negative spillovers from the war in Ukraine as well as disruptions of supply chains, including energy supply shortages, could have the potential to fast-track Europe’s goals of carbon footprint reduction and energy independence by accelerating the transformation towards renewable energies (refer e.g. to REPowerEU initiative). Being a global financial institution with a loan book of € 489 billion and assets under management of € 1.3 trillion, Deutsche Bank believes that it is part of its responsibility to support and where possible, accelerate this historic transformation towards a more sustainable society and economy. This transformation affects the bank’s relationship with all its stakeholders. Clients need advice, products, and services to make progress on their transformation journeys. Investors increasingly want to entrust their capital to companies with a credible sustainability strategy. Following clear guidance for sustainability is also one cornerstone of attracting people who expect their employer to act decisively and to be purpose driven. Finally, society values businesses that act as responsible corporate citizens. While the transition towards a sustainable society and economy requires huge investments, sustainability goes beyond pure business. Deutsche Bank has seen sustainability as an opportunity for many years. Consequently sustainability, which encompasses environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects, is a central component of the “Global Hausbank” strategy. In 2022, the bank continued to embed sustainability into its products, policies and processes, focusing on the following four pillars: Sustainable Finance, Policies & Commitments, People & Own Operations as well as Thought Leadership & Stakeholder Engagement. Making progress along these four pillars is aimed to enable the bank to maximize its contribution to the achievement of the Paris Climate Agreement’s targets and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. Although the bank strives to contribute indirectly to all 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, as part of its sustainability strategy the focus is in particular on the sustainability targets shown below, which are particularly close to its business activity. Sustainability strategy To underpin its long-standing commitment to sustainability, Deutsche Bank formally endorsed universal sustainability frameworks and initiatives. The bank is a member of the UN’s Environment Programme Finance Initiative (1992) and signatory to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (2000), the Principles for Responsible Investment (through DWS, 2008), the Principles for Responsible Banking (2019) and the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (2021). This chapter does not cover DWS which sets its own sustainability strategy. For details regarding DWS’ sustainability strategy please refer to the “Sustainable finance/Asset Management” chapter in this report. 13

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