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Deutsche Bank Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy Non-Financial Report 2022 Sustainability strategy and implementation Sustainability targets To implement the Group’s sustainability strategy, Deutsche Bank has set the following sustainability targets to: – Achieve cumulative sustainable financing and investment volumes since January 2020 of over € 200 billion by the end of 2022 and a cumulative € 500 billion by the end of 2025 (excluding DWS) – Fulfill Deutsche Bank’s net-zero commitments for key carbon intensive sectors by accompanying clients in their transformation (Transition Dialogue) – Strengthen policies and controls to guide the bank’s actions and ensure compliance – Sourcing of external ESG data, automation, and standardization of reporting – Empower employees and establish sustainability as core value of the bank’s culture Achievements In 2022, the bank continued to deliver on its sustainability strategy. Key achievements along the four pillars are: Sustainable Finance Deutsche Bank has achieved a cumulative sustainable financing and investments volume of € 215 billion in 2022 (excluding DWS), thus outperforming its target of at least € 200 billion within three years. All business areas (excluding DWS) contributed to Deutsche Bank meeting this target. When this target was first announced in May 2020, it was planned to be achieved by the end of 2025. Policies & Commitments Deutsche Bank published the carbon footprint of its corporate loan exposure to, and financed emissions of, key carbon- intensive industries as well as quantitative 2030 (interim) and 2050 decarbonization targets for four carbon intensive sectors in the Group’s corporate lending book on its website. These targets cover the sectors of Oil and Gas (upstream), Power Generation, Automotive (light duty vehicles) and Steel and aim to significantly reduce the amount of financed emissions (Scope 3) by 2030, reflecting the bank’s commitments as a founding member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA) (for further details see the “Climate risk” chapter). To achieve this target, Deutsche Bank has founded a Net-Zero Forum with participation of the businesses as well as Risk and the Chief Sustainability Office. In addition, Deutsche Bank joined the EP100 initiative, committing to net-zero operational carbon at owned occupied assets globally by 2030 and the RE100 initiative under The Climate Group, committing to 100% of renewable energy used for own operations by the end of 2025. People & Own Operations The bank received 95.7% of its own global electricity consumption from renewable sources, exceeding its 2022 target by 10.7%. Further achievements include the reduction of total energy consumption by 13.3% year-to-year. For its new building at Columbus Circle in New York, Deutsche Bank received the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification. Moreover, in December 2022, a new “Sustainability Hub” went live internally as single point to go to for ESG activities in Deutsche Bank. The bank also launched “How we live”, the Group’s new Corporate Social Responsibility program for environmental impact, aiming to address nature conservation and environmental protection as well as related social issues in collaboration with environmental and non-profit organizations. Thought Leadership & Stakeholder Engagement As part of their cooperation, Deutsche Bank and the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin announced the new endowed professorship for Sustainable Finance. Prof. Dr. Jörg Rocholl has taken over the chair as of September 1, 2022. From February 28 to March 2, 2022, Deutsche Bank hosted the second Annual dbAccess Global ESG Conference. Over 60 companies participated, as well as a number of focused presentations and panels were held. The conference was intended to be an engagement forum for all companies to address relevant environmental, social and governance considerations that are important to stakeholders. 14

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