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Deutsche Bank Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy Non-Financial Report 2022 Sustainability strategy and implementation Sustainability governance GRI 2-9/12/13/17 In 2022, Deutsche Bank further enhanced its sustainability governance. This helps to manage, measure and control sustainability activities across divisions and regions and allows for compliance with relevant environmental and social regulations. Deutsche Bank appointed a Chief Sustainability Officer and broadened its sustainability governance by establishing a Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee responsible for sustainability transformation management and oversight. The Chief Sustainability Officer reports to the Chief Executive Officer. He has the mandate to develop the bank’s sustainability strategy and advance its implementation. He also coordinates the work of the Group Sustainability Committee as Vice Chairman of the CEO, the Sustainability Strategy Steering Committee as Chairman, and the Sustainability Council as Co- Chairman. Besides, he reports progress to the Management Board and Supervisory Board. The bank supplemented its existing Group Sustainability team with a dedicated Strategy & Regional Governance team, responsible for the development of the corporate sustainability strategy, as well as an Execution, Data & Regulatory team, responsible for managing the transformation at a day-to-day basis as well as the identification and assessment of relevant regulations. All these three teams form the Deutsche Bank’s new Chief Sustainability Office. Group Sustainability retains its responsibility for advancing the bank’s sustainability framework, overseeing adherence to group-wide sustainability policies and commitments, and providing transparency to the bank’s stakeholders. In addition to the Chief Sustainability Office, the bank’s business divisions and infrastructure functions each have their own ESG experts to ensure a swift response to business opportunities and potential risks. The bank has three fora entirely devoted to sustainability. The most senior forum is the Group Sustainability Committee, which was created in 2020 and acts as the main governance body for sustainability related matters across Deutsche Bank Group. The Management Board has delegated sustainability related decisions to this committee, which is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Sustainability Officer (Vice Chair). It consists of Management Board members and the heads of the bank’s business divisions (GMC members) as well as senior representatives of the relevant infrastructure functions. The committee acts as senior decision-making body for sustainability-related matters on group level. Its “run the bank”- mandate has oversight of sustainability strategy implementation across divisions and ensures alignment of the sustainability strategy with the client centric pillar of the bank’s corporate strategy. 15

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